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 Why is it that, on take-off and landing, the crew require al

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Nombre de messages : 44
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 02/02/2011

Why is it that, on take-off and landing, the crew require al Empty
MessageSujet: Why is it that, on take-off and landing, the crew require al   Why is it that, on take-off and landing, the crew require al EmptySam 30 Juil - 8:41

Presumably it is so that the aircraft is illuminated to the max and is more easily seen? But I'm guessing now.
Roller Blinds|Blinds

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Nombre de messages : 30
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2011

Why is it that, on take-off and landing, the crew require al Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Why is it that, on take-off and landing, the crew require al   Why is it that, on take-off and landing, the crew require al EmptyLun 12 Déc - 8:54

That's not quite right... yes, they were both reforming, but very differently. While Japan went through the Meiji reform in 1868 which turned it into a modern country, China was a lot more reluctant to change, and any reform it went through came up against strong reactionary opposition. It remained a backwards country throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries.

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