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 Not a Q but some facts of debt and what help you can get?

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Nombre de messages : 30
Age : 36
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2011

Not a Q but some facts of debt and what help you can get?  Empty
MessageSujet: Not a Q but some facts of debt and what help you can get?    Not a Q but some facts of debt and what help you can get?  EmptyMar 13 Déc - 7:33

i have seen some bad points on here about going bankrupt and getting on a iva etc.
so many of you have it so wrong.
firstly going bankrupt is better than an iva???
an iva is the best option if you do not want to sell any items you own that are worth any value....going bankrupt means just that ...sell anything and everything that can clear some of your debt 1st ... you have to do this.
it also costs you nearly 500gbp to apply for bankruptcy 1st.
debt relief|debt advice

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Not a Q but some facts of debt and what help you can get?
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